Sunday, February 24, 2013

show case

showcase (Thursday)

Today in the lesson as a class we had to show a rough show case of what we had done so far with our opening sequences, then the whole class will gave feedback on what they liked and what they thought needed improvement. We thought having the class feedback on our work was great because there were errors in our sequence that they had seen and we hadn't e.g. in one shot there were people in the class and the next it was empty, we hadn't noticed this until we got told so we need to be careful and concentrate on improving our match on action . After we read the comments the class left we decided to review our own sequence and see if we thought we can make any changes, we saw that we were better off re-filming some parts, for smooth cutaways we also saw that there were some scenes missing that we need to fill in. overall we got some got comments however we have a lot to be doing to improve what we have already and to get the best possible sequence.

reschedule for filiming

Reschedule for filming

we uploaded our first footage our opening shot, we saw that there was some problem with our shooting  as there were many people walking past and in order for this shot to work  we needed a quiet and empty environment therefore we rescheduled for another day to shoot we thought doing this scene after school would be a better idea as we will be no one around to disrupt the filming.

filming day 1 (25ht jan 2013)

filming day 1 (25th January2013) 

on our first day filming we decided to film the opening shot using a point of view shot (POV) o f the bully walking round the school  and this is where we will include our title and credit sequence. this was as much as we got up to this was because the characters that were acting for the chase were not available however we scheduled that for another day.

shooting schedule

shooting schedule

in order for us to get everything done on time and to have everything more organised we made schedule of when we have our frees to use this for our filming and after schools:



Having a storyboard is crucial in determining the success and quality of our opening sequence. also by having a storyboard, the production team will be clear of what is expected of them and we all have a clear overall picture of what the whole movie will look like. the storyboard does not mean that that will be our final idea you are able to make changes t is only a rough idea to base it on so it is more organised.
This story board is subject to change as we all had our on individual storyboards we all had a look at each other's we all had some great ideas therefore we decided to put all our ideas together to make a new story board.



we chose our costumes very carefully because this place a big part for mise en scene. As a group we had come to an conclusion that we have found our ideas of costumes and props to use in the film opening sequence. The characters will be dressed by stereotypical ideas of how the public see the role and the action the character who plays the role of the character.  

Bullies - hoodless, baggy jeans and Nike shoes 

Person being bullied - Glasses, shirt tucked in and clothes worn by this person will generally be out of fashion.

Brother - dress smart, suit to show hes a man with class and liked by many.

Students- dressed in uniform, look smart

These ideas we came up initially as a group and we have agreed to go ahead with these plans, because they suit the role of play in this particular sequence. We had come to the decision because we had done some research and found that audience prefer to see sequence built to the average day of life, and with stereotypes this shows that it fits into that category.




when choosing our characters we made sure that they would be able to meet up with us when we scheduled the days we would like to film we also made sure that the character looked like bullies but the way they dressed their facial expressions and body language this all comes back to mise en scene which place a big part in filming. getting the character right is important because that is what he audience will be looking out for.


our main location was based mostly at school as our idea was on a school boy getting bullied however we also had a second location at new Malden were the victim attempts to commit suicide. in our sequence location is important because it represents everything that is about to happen in the scene, it is a key place where a scene's foundation is built around, the scene is the one thing that our group has considered a main key to this task, the scene initially establishes the role of the character.  Location is the place or point that something is at, so therefore we will have to consider every location put for every scene is correct and fits the role of that scene.

Traget audience

Target audience

I think that for thriller films it can be aimed at any age group depending on the sub-genre however I personally think 15+ is more suitable this is because most of the scenes and storylines used within a thriller can be very dramatic including violence and scary nature therefore it is not suitable for ages under 15.
I also believe the thriller genre is more aimed at male gender this is because stereotypically, males are more interested in frightening and scary elements of films than females although some females enjoy these type of films. however we are hoping that our sequence will be suitable and liked by both genders.

we found more about or target audience after takng on a questionnaire.

Genere research

Genere research

As a group we have done some research into our genre and their codes and conventions for our opening sequence I have learnt that thriller is a very broad genre that many films fit in to sutitles for example crime chase action all will fit into the genre thriller. the three main elements included that help you understand that a film is a thriller are: suspense; tension and excitement. i think by chosing thriller we have a really wide range

together as a group when planning our opening sequence we will need to take into consideration that thrillers re mainly fast-paced and the aim of it is to keep the viewer alert and on the edge of their seat.

some examples of thrillers:

·         suspicion 

·         strangers on a train  

·         psycho



How old are you?


-16-19     7

- 20+         3

Do you watch thriller movies?

- yes  10


Why do you watch thriller movies/ what attracts you to them?


What is your preferred sub genre  for a thriller?

-horror   4

-crime  2

- sci-fi 1

- real life

-action    3

- chase

-other 1


who do you prefer to be the victim in a thriller?


- innocent person 6

- hero/heroine    2

- someone young 1

- someone old

- other 1


Name a word you think when someone says thriller?


- death

- crime 1

- suspense/intense 4

- chase 3

- violence  2


what do you like to have with a thriller story line?


- someone being chased/ watched 3

- mystery/ unseen villain  2



- chase

- physiological dilemma 5


what factors o a thriller have the best effects on your emotions?


- music 8

- dialogue 1

- sound effects

- narrative

- setting 1







I made this questionnaire to find out more about my chosen genre and what my target audience was  so I could apply this to my opening sequence. I asked about 10 people to answer this questionnaire


1) This shows that the majority of people who watch thriller films are within the age range of 16-19 years. This may be due to us mainly asking our peers in this questionnaire but we feel, on a whole, that this age category is fairly correct. We also feel that our thriller opening fits this audience well. We asked this question because we wanted to see what age group would be the most likely to watch our Thriller opening.


2) Everyone that we had asked  ticked the box yes of having watched some sort of thriller movie, this shows that thriller movies are quite popular and likable.


3) Our research shows they would like to so some suspense and excitement maybe a bit of  twist to it something that will keep them on the edge of their seats in our opening sequence  We asked this question because we wanted people to write down their honest opinions without having an option as to what personally appeals the most to them when deciding which Thriller to watch.


4) This shows us that the most popular sub-genre for a thriller film is horror followed by Crime & Action, this usually involves death and weapons violence  , with some disturbing factors also. We feel our thriller film opening will fit into this sub-genre. We asked this question because we wanted to know if our Thriller would fit the most popular sun-genre.


5) Our research shows that the most popular character for a victim is an innocent person. This is most probably because it is a stereotypical victim and will want to make people want to watch and wait to see what happens next  We asked this question because we have a victim in our Thriller opening and wanted to see if we had chosen the most popular victim.


6) Our results display that the top 5 most common words thought of when they think of ‘thrillers’ are:  Suspense, Scary, Intense. However everyone had ticked a box from the above showing that all our choices we had given all linked to together  I feel that these five words are all reflected within our thriller opening. We asked this question to see whether our Thriller would meet the expectations of what our audience will be expecting from a Thriller.



7) This suggests that people like to have a psychological dilemma within the plot of the thriller, such as a mysterious villain or a shocking twist. Films that require some thinking and clever twists to it. however We feel that our thriller opening doesn't  include this but we feel that it includes the other categories: chase and mystery  however this question will help us to put a twist to it for the audience to like. We asked this question to see whether our Thriller opening will fulfil the expectations of our audience.


8)  I think this was one of the best questions we had asked because it was the main factor that will attract our audience to our sequence  Setting The factor that people find most effective on their emotions in a thriller film, according to our research, is the music. We have chosen our music very carefully for our thriller and have already edited it to fit with where we want our clips positioned. We asked this question so we can focus our attention on the area our audience will be expecting to effect their emotions the most.


I feel after gathering this information and data has helped us a lot to see who we really would like to aim our opening g sequence and even maybe change that the audience had suggested. we will try are best to meet these expectations.